Tuesday 27 July 2010

Metal Slug Collection Pc download

For arcade fans this compilation has been a long, long time coming. The Metal Slug franchise has been around since 1996, offers some of the most hardcore traditional shooter gameplay to date, and is jam-packed with awesomely animated 2D art. Over the years there have been seven main Metal Slug games, labeled one through six, and Metal Slug X. For the first time, these six games are finally in the same package together and readily available somewhere other than an arcade or PC emulator (tisk tisk). Metal Slug Anthology brings every major title in the franchise together for a 10th year anniversary, and sticks an astonishingly affordable price of $39.99 on the box. What we've got here is an absolutely essential game for the "quarter-jerker anonymous." Now that we've got the fanboyish ranting out of the way, we'll take you to the grim truth about Metal Slug Anthology for Wii. Despite its awesome package of true arcade classics, it can be a bit of a letdown when it comes to the total package of presentation, extras, and control.

We aren't telling you to throw your hopes of a solid Metal Slug revival in the trash, but we do want to warn you as to what exactly you'll be getting in the Anthology package so you can decide the right course of action with your gaming bucks. First of all, if you're looking for true-to-arcade versions of each of the Metal Slug titles, you'll get them. The blood is there, the robust animations are there, and - when applicable - the bits of naughty words are there.

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